The document presents a new thingin the future injector allowing to register and update avatars in the platform.
While there is several others injectors available on the platform, The main purposes of this injector are:
In fact, we noticed that in certain use cases, on one hand properties on relations may be required and on the other hand, finding or even defining the ontology to describe avatars is difficult and cumbersome. The idea behind this new injector is to ease the usage and adoption of the platform.
The injector takes as input:
Using the mapping the injector is able to translate the property graph structure into an RDF format that can be processed by Thingin. To achieve it, it relies on :
The main structure of the JSON Mapping file is composed of three JSON arrays (sources, prefixes and entities)
"mapping": {
"sources": [],
"prefixes": [],
"entities": []
A source object describes a data source file using the following elements :
"sourceId": "2",
"root": "$[*]",
"format": "json",
"path": "/path_to_json_file"
"longUri": "",
"shortUri": "iot"
An entity object defines the model of the avatars that are going to be injected in Thing'in graph using the following elements :
"sourceId" : "1",
"labels" : [
"uriTemplate": {
"uri": "",
"idRoot": "id"
"properties" : [],
"relations" : []
A relation is described using a label and the URI of the destination entity
"label": "IsInEcoleMappingRelation",
"dest": {
"uri": "",
"idRoot": ""
"properties": []
A property is described using the following elements :
The JSON Mapping supports basic data types as well as GeoTypes :
Details on GeoTypes may be found at
Here is an example of a String
"root": "",
"label": "FiliereName",
"valueType": "String"
Here is an example of a Point
"label" : "geo:coordinates",
"valueType": "Point",
"x-root": "lineStrings[0].points[0].x",
"y-root": "lineStrings[0].points[0].y"
Or in Thing'in geojson format
"label" : "",
"valueType": "Point",
"x-root": "Longitude",
"y-root": "Latitude"
Here is an example of a Polygon
"label" : "polygon",
"valueType": "polygon",
"points": [
"x-root": "points[0].x",
"y-root": "points[0].y"
"x-root": "points[1].x",
"y-root": "points[1].y"
In order to use the PG-injector via the Thingin portal, the user needs to be authenticated and have the roles provider
The injector page can be accessed through the menu provide>generic injector
The generic-injector page display the list of all injectors of the current user.
Click on deploy a new injector to create a new injector. It will display a form to enter information to create the injector. Click on deploy button to create the injector
The injectors manager will instantiate the injector in a PAAS. Once the injector is ready, the user will be able to add a mapping and data source files.
The following buttons can be used to manage the injector:
When no activity is observe on an injector. It will be disable to avoir unnecessary resource consumption in the PAAS. The injector will have a status REMOVED. In order to reactivate the injector, one should click on the redeploy button.
Having access to the source code, it is possible to use the injector in command line.
To compile and test ;
mvn test
Depending on the execution environment, the following environment variables have to be defined.
Hereafter an example of a compilation and launching of the injector once the environment variables are set:
mvn clean package -DskipTests=true
java -jar target/ngsild-injector-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar cli-mode -m examples/mapping-shops.json -f examples/shops.csv
Another example using several data sources files with relations created between avatars from those files
mvn clean package -DskipTests=true
java -jar target/ngsild-injector-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar cli-mode -m examples/mapping-ecoles-etudiants.json -f examples/ecoles.json,examples/etudiants.json
Here a example of a complete mapping.The associated data can be found in the next section
"mapping": {
"sources": [
"sourceId": "1",
"format" : "csv",
"path" : "shops.csv",
"separator": ","
"prefixes": [
"shortUri": "ont",
"longUri": ""
"shortUri": "geo",
"longUri": ""
"entities" : [
"sourceId": "1",
"labels" : [ "example:Shops" ],
"uriTemplate": {
"uri" : "",
"idRoot": "ID"
"properties": [
"root": "Name",
"label" : "example:name" ,
"valueType": "String"
"root": "Description",
"label" : "example:description" ,
"valueType": "String"
"label" : "geo:coordinates",
"valueType": "Point",
"x-root": "Longitude",
"y-root": "Latitude"
Heare after a data source in CSV format
1,Décathlon Easy Rennes,-1.69074096595433,48.1365100667282,Rennes,"Magasin d'articles de sports, 6 Rue René Collin, 02 99 33 57 24"
2,Giant Rennes,-1.68425903310585,48.1337239005906,Rennes,"Magasin de vélos, 15 Rue Bahon Rault, 02 99 63 92 68"
3,Cyclable,-1.68475341763705,48.1232744341933,Rennes,"Magasin de vélos, 206 Rue Saint-Malo, 02 99 13 18 02"
4,L'Echoppe du Deux Roues,-1.68140258777992,48.1152800736173,Rennes,"Magasin de vélos, 16 Rue Saint-Louis, 02 23 46 30 01"
5,Bycyclette,-1.68607177673616,48.1097786443101,Rennes,"Magasin de vélos, 3 Quai de la Prévalaye, 02 23 42 10 83"
6,Deux Y,-1.68568725537591,48.1097052880127,Rennes,"Magasin d'articles de sports, 3 Quai de la Prévalaye, 02 23 42 10 83"
7,Culture Vélo Rennes,-1.70864868010651,48.1040198513725,Rennes,"Magasin de vélos, 106 Rue Eugène Pottier, 02 99 01 09 20"
8,Cycles Guédard,-1.67634887707053,48.1037630745792,Rennes,"Magasin de vélos, 13 Boulevard de Beaumont, 02 99 30 43 78"
9,EBIKES City Rennes,-1.67827148437111,48.1068076275357,Rennes,"Magasin de vélos, 9 Rue Émile Souvestre, 02 23 44 96 25"
10,Leconte Cycles & Scooters,-1.6776672363661,48.1072844693562,Rennes,"Concessionnaire de scooters, 2 Rue d'Isly, 02 99 30 89 02"
11,Cyclable,-1.66497802800715,48.1105488799858,Rennes,"Magasin de vélos, 65 Avenue Aristide Briand, 02 99 38 46 08"
12,Bicycle Times L'Atelier Vélo,-1.65135498223676,48.1064775041142,Rennes,"Magasin de réparation de vélos, 48 Boulevard Villebois Mareuil, 06 32 70 39 18"
13,MBK Cotin SARL,-1.65827636776903,48.1003881780504,Rennes,"Concessionnaire de scooters, 29 Rue de Vern, 02 99 50 56 25"
14,Cycl Shop,-1.62822876144007,48.1057438886084,Rennes,"Concessionnaire de véhicules à moteur, 13 Rue de Bray, 02 99 83 21 22"
15,Cycles Béon Sport,-1.61372680820662,48.1076512674233,Rennes,"Magasin de vélos, 44 Rue de Bray, 02 99 22 79 15"
16,CycleBox,-1.62769372782374,48.08911148458,Chantepie,"Magasin de vélos, 5 Rue du Moulin, 02 99 32 45 47"