Latest release : Thing in the future 3.24.0 on january 14th 2025
Thing in the future 3.24 integrates mainly bugfixes
Server (3.25.0)
API (3.25.0)
new portal (1.8.0)
ziggy-admin (2.14.0)
OLS (9.3.4)
pg-injector (1.3.0)
stat (2.5.2)
federator (1.5.1)
Essentials API (1.2.3)
ziggy-net-twin (1.2.0)
hist-db-feed (3.14.1)
ziggy-websocket (2.4.4)
Server (3.24.0)
API (3.24.0)
new portal (1.6.0)
ziggy-net-twin (1.1.0)
ziggy-federator (1.5.0)
ziggy-injectors (1.8.5)
Server (3.23.0)
API (3.23.0)
Essentials API (1.2.2)
** hist-db-feed (3.14.0)**
ziggy_injectors (1.8.1)
new portal (1.5.0)
**ziggy-admin (2.13.2) **
**OLS (9.3.3) **
Server (3.22.0)
API (3.22.0)
Essentials API (1.2.1)
new portal (1.4.0)
ziggy_injectors (1.8.0)
** hist-db-feed (3.13.0)**
Server (3.21.0)
API (3.21.0)
new portal (1.3.0)
Essentials API (1.2.0)
pg-injector (1.2.0)
Server (3.20.0)
API (3.20.0)
new portal (1.2.0) deployed on 2024/09/06
ziggy-admin (2.13.0) deployed on 2024/09/06
Essentials API (1.1.0)
(user id are uuid or login)SDT (1.10.0)
Server (3.19.0)
API (3.19.0)
Essentials API (1.0.0)
pg-injector (1.1.1)
SDT (1.9.1)
new portal (1.1.1)
Server (3.18.0)
API (3.18.0)
new portal (1.0.0)
Essentials API (0.9.0)
pg-injector (1.1.0)
ziggy-admin (2.12.0)
ziggy-ols (9.3.2)
SDT (1.9.0)
Server (3.17.0)
API (3.17.0)
SDT (1.8.1) deployed on 2024/04/12
SDT (1.8.0)
Essentials API (0.8.0)
hist-db-feed (3.12.0)
API (3.16.0)
Server (3.16.0)
API (3.15.0)
Server (3.15.0)
OLS (9.3.0)
SDT (1.7.1)
Specific injectors (1.7.1)
API (3.14.0)
Server (3.14.0)
Admin (2.10.0)
specific-injectors (1.6.2)
injector_manager (3.1.0)
injector_paas (1.0.3)
histdb-feed (3.11.0)
stat (2.5.1)
API (3.13.0)
Server (3.13.0)
Admin (2.9.0)
Injector (1.6.1) deployed on 2023/12/06
Injector (1.6.0)
SDT (1.7.0)
hist-db-feed (3.10.0)
API (3.12.1) depolyed on 2023/10/6
Admin (2.8.0)
Server (3.12.0)
API (3.12.0)
Specific injectors (1.5.0)
SDT (1.6.1)
neo4j-procedures (1.0.11)
Admin (2.7.12)
Server (3.11.0)
return *
we get Semantic Exception: [Error: source node d of the property meas should be returned]
API (3.11.0)
Specific injectors (1.4.0)
IFC injector (1.0.8)
hist-db-feed (3.9.0)
neo4j-procedures (1.0.10)
OLS (9.2.1)
Server (3.10.0)
Api (3.10.0)
SDT (1.6.0)
Server (3.9.2) deployed on 2023/06/19
Server (3.9.1) deployed on 2023/06/12
Server (3.9.0)
Api (3.9.0)
SDT (1.5.0)
Admin (2.6.0)
OLS (9.2.0)
neo4j-procedures (1.0.7)
federator (1.3.0)
federator-admin (1.1.0)
API (3.6.1)
Server (3.6.1)
Neo4j procedures (1.0.6)
API (3.6.0)
returned in body of POST /dtsServer (3.6.0)
Histdb-feed (3.6.0)
DT (1.3.0)
Please refer to for new fetures description
Stat (2.4.2)
API (3.5.0)
Server (3.5.0)
Histdb-feed (3.5.0)
Admin (Portal) (2.3.6):
Admin (Portal) (2.3.5):
API (3.4.1): (2022/12/23)
Server (3.4.2): (2022/12/23)
Server (3.4.1): (2022/12/16)
Server (3.4.0):
API (3.4.0):
Admin (Portal) (2.3.0):
DT (1.2.0):
Technical changes:
syntax change :
which was meaning from timestamp A included to timestamp B includedRANGE_SLICE [A; B) ...
meaning from timestamp A included to timestamp B excludedOption Match
queriesServer (2.8.0):
API (2.8.0):
Injectors (1.1.1):
Server (2.7.0):
API (2.7.0):
Server (2.6.0-0):
API (2.6.0-0):
Server (2.5.0-1):
API (2.5.0-1):
Server (2.5.0-0):
api (2.5.0-0):
(if the id of the edge is given on update/set, if the edge with tis id already exists process an update, otherwise create it).$lastUpdated
keyword for the search queries, enabling the filtering on the field _lastUpdated
of the avatars (possible operators : $eq
, $gt
, $gte
, $lt
).Server (2.4.0-0):
Arango (3.6.13):
Server (2.3.0-0):
API (2.3.0-0):
Arango (3.6.10):
Server: 2.0.0-3 (2.0.0-5 on 2020/11/10, 2.0.0-4 on 2020/11/09)
Blob : On the graph, description of data objects can be attached to avatar. This object could be for instance image, icone, 3d model, building plan ... The data itself is not stored in the graph, only the description and the information to download it.
Compression : since the last version, the user is able to to use Accept-Encoding header set to "gzip" to get the response in a compressed way from the API. This allows a real benefit since the received data are JSON or RDF. Now the data exchange between API and Server are also compressed, releasing pressure on the message bus.
Fix a bug on user deletion (now all data owned by the deleted user are also deleted: avatars, ACLs, Security Groups, Clusters, Blobs...)
Bug fixed in 2.0.0-4: internal error could happen during avatar update
Bug fixed in 2.0.0-5: avatars with acl had a visibility of -1 in result of a get or search request
API: 2.0.0-7
OLS: 9.0.5-0
Specific injectors: 1.0.2 (unchanged)
Server: 2.0.0
API: 2.0.0
Portal (admin): 2.0.0
OLS: 9.0.4-0
Specific injectors: 1.0.2
Thing in the future 2.0.0 is a major release candidate