Create small sets of avatars (number of avatars < 1000) takes a short time and can be done in a synchronous way (the client waits for the end of the creation), but when this task implies several thousands of avatars, the creation time is too high and then the client can not wait for hours and the connections could end due a time out.
To scope with this issue, Thing in provides a dedicated mechanism named "batch process of avatar creation".
It could be used through the API endpoint /batch/process
A process takes mainly a file that contains the avatars to create in RDF/Turtle
format. This file should be transmited to Thing in thanks to a url (starting with http://
or https://
) or as a Blob (the format should be blob://<blob_uuid>
). The content could be gziped (a the creation of the process, the specification of this encoding must be indicated).
Upon a process is created, it is not run, it is in a STOPPED
status. To execute the process a command RESUME
should be sent to it. When the process enter in a RUNNING
status, it is put in a queue waiting for a free runner to take it in charge (the setup of this process is set to QUEUED
). When the process is effectively running on a runner, this runner put in place the needed context.
). As the size of the file is given by the remote storage (fileSize
), the download can be followed with the downloadedSize
, otherwise set the setup = FAILED
and abort the processWhen the setup is ready, the core process could be executed.
) Initialize a local structure that allows pause resume of the creation. This structure is persisted on the runner storage, it can be considered as a fast database for this process. At the end of this step, the total number of avatars (avatarNumber
) and total number of relationships (relationshipNumber
) is known and can be used to follow the progress of the creation.CREATING_AVATARS
) The avatars and their data properties are sequentially created by chunk. This creation can be tracked with the createdAvatarNumber
) The relationshipd are sequentially created by chunk. This creation can be tracked with the createdRelationshipNumber
) When all avatars and relation are created, all the working file are deleted (downloaded file, unzipped file, local database)SUCCEED
) done.If at any step, the process fails, it goes to step FAILED
If a process is in setup FAILED
or step FAILED
, it can not be resumed.
The user that has created the process, has the responsibity to kill it by sending a command KILL
. A kill can be only applied on a STOPPED
process and it removes all the reference of this process.
In the following, we give the state transition schema:
Follow the steps below to upload savec in a file. The file may be available as :
files saved on the local filesystem are not yet supported (tbd). You can use the blob method below instead.
@prefix rdf: <> .
<> rdf:type <> .
The payload must be in turtle syntax (this format was preferred as it is easily streamable for large files).
Post this file to /blobs/ (file parameter). GZipping the file is possible but not mandatory.
This will return the blob uuid to use in the next step :
"uuid": "{uuid}"
"ignoreDuplicateOnCreation": true,
"url": "{yourUrl}",
"description": "my batch process from a url",
"defaultVisibility": 0
When using a blob :
"ignoreDuplicateOnCreation": true,
"url": "blob://{yourBlobUuid}",
"description": "my batch process from a blob",
"defaultVisibility": 0
If the file was gzipped, add the following to the payload :
This will return your process status along with its id
to use in the next step:
"id": "{myProcessId}",
"description": "test avatar",
"requesterId": "cf29c17e-33b8-4c82-969f-096d09cc2251",
"domains": [
"ignoreDuplicateOnCreation": true,
"url": "blob://5d631f72-b5c4-4061-914f-66eed589fb50",
"targetDomain": "",
"contentEncoding": "",
"defaultVisibility": 0,
"status": "STOPPED",
"setup": "PENDING",
"step": "INIT",
"runner": "d35dc1a39066",
"registerTime": 1666602058591,
"resumeTime": 0,
"stopTime": 1666602058591,
"lifeTime": 1666602058591,
"fileSize": 152,
"downloadedSize": 0,
"unzippedFileSize": 0,
"avatarNumber": 0,
"relationshipNumber": 0,
"createdAvatarNumber": 0,
"createdRelationshipNumber": 0,
"log": [],
"srcUuid": "1f2f221b-790d-4fc7-a9cf-0fafcc5bb042"
In the process a domain can be specified in the targetDomain
attribute. But this domain is used as baseUri for injected turtle file, so that if the uris of avatars in turtle file are absolute, the domain will be ignored
If we inject the following ttl file
@prefix mypoles: <poles/> .
a <> .
If we specify a domain
the created avatar will have the following iri:
Now if the prefix is
@prefix mypoles: <> .
the created avatar will have the following iri:
But if the prefix is
@prefix mypoles: <http://fullUri/> .
the domain will be ignored and the created avatar will have the follwing iri: http://fullUri/Orange