Support for Named Graphs in ThingIn is shipped in version 2.6.0.
The following features are supported:
- In ThingIn, the notion of named graphs is replaced with Domains.
- An avatar belongs to one and only one domain, in place of a named graph
- The following compatible serialization formats encapsulate named graphs information:
- N-QUADS, with media type "application/n-quads"
- TriG, with media type "application/trig"
- JSON-LD, with media type "application/ld+json"
- Prior To ThingIn 2.7.0, named graphs were ignored in INPUT. Starting from version 2.7.0 in INPUT (APIs, injectors,...), named graph data must match avatar IRIs in the above formats, i.e. the avatar IRIs declared in a named graph must start with the named graph IRI.This behaviour is intentional as named graphs in ThingIn are replaced with Domains, and avatars can only belong to one domain. It is possible to circumvert this named restriction using blank nodes
- In OUTPUT from ThingIn, domains can be exported as named graph information in the above formats, using their media types.